Wednesday, September 11, 2019

From Nob's Boots to seeing the spooky Koriszegy Keep

Well, I'm here to tell a tale, that's what this journey and this diary are about. Oh, and songs, I'll write songs about my travels as well.

So I'll tell you about the expedition from Nob's Boots all the way to... well, the first time I saw Koriszegy Keep to the southeast from a hilltop. Yes, from the very road we were on, lying right there.

Ready? It was... sort of boring.

You read right: that leg of our journey was not very exciting - except for Lina, of course. But more on that later.

I'll summarize it for you, dear diary: we went through a thicker oaks forest, two keeps, and one kingdom border.

Riverfork Woods (or Achelos Woods if you like) would have been more interesting in the fall or even spring.

At the keeps and the border, there was this vibe of uneasiness: papers were checked, taxes were paid. I can't blame them, doing what they do and being stationed where they are, close to Blight Swamp and the humanoid-infested mountains. In spite of the general discomfort, I could realize the guards of all three places know Lina and Pandal well.

The stench from Blight swamp, first to the east, then to the south, was more unbearable to me than anyone else in the caravan. Also, I kept my ears and eyes alert, but no attack came.

But hey, I owe you a story or two about Lina and my impressions on the infamous Koriszegy Keep.

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