Wednesday, September 11, 2019

From Thantabaar to Nob's Boots (or "It's working!")

As the sun rose, we set on our way from Thantabaar towards the Karameikos border. Soon it will be my first time in Long-legs lands! So cool!

It was a two-day, uneventful trip from Thantabaar to Nob's Boots. We camped where the forest to the northwest gets closer to the sea to the south. We had no problems during the night.

This leg of the journey was not too cold, but the wind chill caused by the sea wind made coats necessary. The good thing about being close to the sea - and having no hilly terrain there - the altitude did not bring extra cold.

The second day of this leg of the trip was misty, giving the sun and its side of the sky an alluring brass colour. Snow came, too late in the season, and very light.

Lina's hair, with those snow dots, became sort of salt-and-pepper, making her even more attractive. The times when our eyes crossed, I realized she thought the same about me. I know for a fact we're connecting, and it feels sublime!

When having dinner at the Inn in Nob's Boots with Lina - and Mr. Roughchest, yes... - I was told that the river mouth is beautiful to see, as is the bridge crossing it. I was curious and excited.

Also, I was hopeful that Pandal would leave Lina and me alone, but as usual, that never happened. I could tell without effort that he wanted me out as well, so the three of us kept chatting, and he tried consistently to outsmart me. I just stayed cool.

Next day, with sunrise, we departed from Nob's Boots towards Rollstone Keep, and I was excited to see the lovely river mouth and the pleasing bridge I was told about.

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