Tuesday, September 17, 2019

An unexpected turn of events

We camped by the hilly road in a less steep section.

I was awakened a bit early (at least, earlier than I wanted, right after sunrise) by Lina. She said, with a gentle yet severe expression: "There is someone who wants a word with you." She pointed towards a set of oaks with a small rocky formation.

I asked if I could have the first breakfast before doing so, and by her look, it was a solid "No!" By her expression, I was sure she was not setting me up.

I walked for about two minutes to meet this mysterious visitor. Right behind the rocks, I found... uncle Cillidox.

He was smoking pipe-weed and wearing his usual green robe, glasses, boots. What Hin uses boots? Uncle Cillidox does. He was carrying his typical green dagger and green pouch. I always wonder how he can go around taking so little. This pouch's fabric was exquisite, way thinner than one would expect, and definitely not leather. Do they get those from green, magical sheep or bugs? His hat was fancier than usual - Darokinian I estimated. Uncle always brings new items from his legendary expeditions. And tales. I loved those while I was a kid... and still do!

He saw my expression of surprise and greeted me warmly: "Son!" and hugged me. He winked at me, "You haven't been putting waiting, have you? I will have a word with my sister if that is the case. You need to be in shape for what comes now."

"Uncle! How much I missed you! But how come you are here in the middle of nowhere, calling me fat, and how do you know Lina so well, and...?"

He interrupted me: "I'll answer all your questions, kiddo, but during the trip. Ah, that is not true, we'll use 'Teleport Without Error,' hahaha!"

"Go get your stuff and come with me. You'll have the opportunity to continue your romance with Lina later, I promise you. Boy, she surely blushed when I asked her to go get you for us to talk!", said he, nudging me on the shoulder.

So I went back to the camp and got my stuff.

Lina said, "Let's not make a big deal out of it, shall we?"

I quickly wrote a note and placed it on her hand.

Pandal's face was full of joy. "Fine, she doesn't like you anyway!" I thought.

I went to Cillidox, he grabbed my hand, and in a blink, we were in the middle of an old forest henge. It was a thick oak forest with no traces of snow - instead, the oaks were starting to show signs of spring. Had I travelled in time, not only in space? The stones were old and covered with green moss and lichen. A huge unknown tree stood in the middle.

"Kiddo, the world is going utterly crazy, and we have several bits of evidence. We are trying to make sense of it all, and I want you to be part of it. Therefore your training will start sooner than I had planned. Before the elves see us here, I want to introduce you to Darabisoz." Then he showed - as introducing a theatre play or a way ahead, using his whole hand - well... nothing.

Seeing me puzzled, he said, "Can you not see it, son?"

Seeing me even more puzzled, he said: "It lies under your very nose!"

"What joke is that, uncle?"

"Okay, let's be quick, for this is a secret place. I'll stop playing with your ignorance. You are an honourable, honest, kind-hearted person, yet not a very hard-working one, that's true... but I digress. You are worthy of the place that lies right ahead of you. Sit with your legs crossed, close your eyes and believe in it, feel it.", said Cillidox.

After some twenty minutes of trying to do so and getting more confidence coming from my uncle - and believing because he's the hero of my life - I saw it, even with my eyes closed: right ahead of us, within the giant tree majestic green gates. Inside of it, dense vegetation, not showing signs of a late winter trying to flourish into a new spring, but a fully-developed, thick, non-oak forest.

I then stood up, walked to the gate and opened it without effort.

"That's my boy!", said uncle.

We walked under this beautiful alien vegetation for about ten minutes before we saw a large pond with several bodies of water feeding it - including one creek that was along the narrow path we walked.

In the centre of that large pond, I could see what was by far the largest gem I had ever seen. Full of shards, vivid in colour and exact in shape. An unbelievable combination of what should be a rough green gem (beeing in the wild, sitting there in the water) with something handcrafted by the best gem worker in the world. What was that?

I could feel a unique, mesmerizing, seducing, almost sweet power emanating from it. With my newly-acquired senses, I could even hear it.

"Magnificent, isn't it, kiddo?"

"What is it, uncle? What is this place? And what alien bushes are those, with these exquisite white and light-pink flowers and sweet aroma?"

"This, son, is Darabisoz. This is our monastery, home of the Emerald Knights." Then he showed me his chest by pulling down part of his robe, revealing a tattoo that resembled the green, enormous, sharded crystal in the centre of the pond.

(OOC starts)
The great tattoo concept came from Chimpman from the Piazza. Thanks, Chimpman!   :-)
(OOC ends)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

From Nob's Boots to seeing the spooky Koriszegy Keep

Well, I'm here to tell a tale, that's what this journey and this diary are about. Oh, and songs, I'll write songs about my travels as well.

So I'll tell you about the expedition from Nob's Boots all the way to... well, the first time I saw Koriszegy Keep to the southeast from a hilltop. Yes, from the very road we were on, lying right there.

Ready? It was... sort of boring.

You read right: that leg of our journey was not very exciting - except for Lina, of course. But more on that later.

I'll summarize it for you, dear diary: we went through a thicker oaks forest, two keeps, and one kingdom border.

Riverfork Woods (or Achelos Woods if you like) would have been more interesting in the fall or even spring.

At the keeps and the border, there was this vibe of uneasiness: papers were checked, taxes were paid. I can't blame them, doing what they do and being stationed where they are, close to Blight Swamp and the humanoid-infested mountains. In spite of the general discomfort, I could realize the guards of all three places know Lina and Pandal well.

The stench from Blight swamp, first to the east, then to the south, was more unbearable to me than anyone else in the caravan. Also, I kept my ears and eyes alert, but no attack came.

But hey, I owe you a story or two about Lina and my impressions on the infamous Koriszegy Keep.

From Thantabaar to Nob's Boots (or "It's working!")

As the sun rose, we set on our way from Thantabaar towards the Karameikos border. Soon it will be my first time in Long-legs lands! So cool!

It was a two-day, uneventful trip from Thantabaar to Nob's Boots. We camped where the forest to the northwest gets closer to the sea to the south. We had no problems during the night.

This leg of the journey was not too cold, but the wind chill caused by the sea wind made coats necessary. The good thing about being close to the sea - and having no hilly terrain there - the altitude did not bring extra cold.

The second day of this leg of the trip was misty, giving the sun and its side of the sky an alluring brass colour. Snow came, too late in the season, and very light.

Lina's hair, with those snow dots, became sort of salt-and-pepper, making her even more attractive. The times when our eyes crossed, I realized she thought the same about me. I know for a fact we're connecting, and it feels sublime!

When having dinner at the Inn in Nob's Boots with Lina - and Mr. Roughchest, yes... - I was told that the river mouth is beautiful to see, as is the bridge crossing it. I was curious and excited.

Also, I was hopeful that Pandal would leave Lina and me alone, but as usual, that never happened. I could tell without effort that he wanted me out as well, so the three of us kept chatting, and he tried consistently to outsmart me. I just stayed cool.

Next day, with sunrise, we departed from Nob's Boots towards Rollstone Keep, and I was excited to see the lovely river mouth and the pleasing bridge I was told about.

A pleasant time in Thantabaar, but with a troublemaker

We stayed at the same Inn as Lina... I mean, the large caravan did.

The dawn came, and I was, of course, ready for my first breakfast. I went downstairs and saw Lina across the room. I asked her if I could join her and the other person at their table. Was he also a caravan officer or her... something?

She introduced him to me: her second-in-command, Pandal Roughchest. What a surname! After less than one minute of conversation, by the veins in their foreheads, verbal and non-verbal cues, I could tell her that the relationship there was not symmetric. As you might have guessed, dear diary, she was not interested. I felt guilty to feel relieved. Sorry, pal! Honestly.

I then ordered tea, bread, and soup, mirroring what she had. Well, that has been working for me so far, so what not?

The caravan would be doing one day of trade in the town. Lina takes care of more... uh... point-of-the-dagger affairs, so she was somewhat free. Then, I asked her to tell me about the trip ahead of us, telling her that I had never left the Shires.

"Why not, rookie?", she said, with a gorgeous smile.

Without realizing, we were strolling by the sea, and most of our conversation took place during that walk. I could quickly tell Lina was nervous, blushing, yet trying to avoid it. That made very nervous as well. Totally not true!! That made me feel awesome! The more I learn to use and trust these "superpowers," the more confident I get. Yay!

She used beach rocks and rough sand to show me the towns and dangerous places we'd be going through. That - allied to that newly-acquired perfect memory of mine - came in pretty handy. Thanks, Lina!

During the conversation, we had apples and peaches for second breakfast. As the time for lunch approached, we headed back to the Inn, where Pandal received us with a confused look - and towards me, a hostile one.

We focused on further preparations to resume the journey the next day with the sunrise.

For dinner, I stayed on a table with other folks, not Lina. Also, I gossiped with Kashorn Alemaker, the Innkeeper, but not much happens around those parts. The only interesting fact I got from him is that Mr. Roughchest is not to be trifled with.

I asked him: "Why are you telling me this? Did he mention something?"

He said, "No."

And he was lying.

Friday, September 6, 2019

A Hin called Lina Thinbrow

The time has come for me to start moving... and to meet Lina Thinbrow. I live in Deepmoss, and the caravan would be departing from Shireton, so I planned to catch them at Thantabbar, using Deepmoss Road.

There was a smaller caravan departing from my city to do exactly that, so I went with them. I knew everyone there. Small town and all, and I'm this likable fella...

Well, we departed right after the sun showed up and arrived a little bit after sunset. A beautiful and uneventful trip with that flavour of the Shires.

During this time of the year, the oaks did not have leaves, but they did have some snow left, giving that nice effect, especially when the sun shines through them. We had magnificent views at the start and end of the trip.

That same night, we found the more massive caravan and its Inn. I then looked for Lina. She was with two other folks having what I guess it was her second dinner.

I introduced myself, asked to join the caravan, said that it'd be good for her to have one more arm (and dagger) and that would prevent me from travelling alone.

"A win-win scenario you propose, eh?", she said, with a gracious crooked smile.

It seems that my uncle Cillidox has a crystal ball (well, actually he has one...): she said "Yes." I could tell from her facial expressions, blushing, her eyes and body language that she:

1) has a deep respect for my uncle;

2) liked me.

How could I tell it so easily??? I was always good with people, but this new thing I have in my ear, this green gift of awesomeness is really something!

Maps, guides, and the earring

My now enhanced memory (love it!!) helped me remember that in a chest here at home Cillidox kept a bunch of maps and other adventuring material.

There I found many maps by Thorfinn Tait, legendary cartographer. My uncle once told me that he even mapped other worlds (???!!!). Man, I wanna have that much adventure and have that many stories to tell and sing about.

There was also a cool map by human hero Tim Roberts on the Grand Duchy of Karameikos. I know, I know... on a previous page of this journal I called it a kingdom, but, man, this earring is phenomenal! Things are so much clearer now! Thanks, Tim, wherever you are!

Also in the chest, I found a description by retired adventurer John Walter Biles. It was about the Riverfork Keep, some 25 miles past the border between Eastshire and Karameikos.

I also gathered as much info as possible on "werebeings and other undead" since my uncle sounded so ominous when referring to those.

I was gathering as much info about the route as possible. In fact, I wish I could carry the whole chest with me... everything so useful.

On the other hand, maybe I don't need to carry all that material around... you know, I perused all those maps and pages and have a nearly flawless recollection. And I did it ten times faster than I'd have before the earring. What is this thing?

Thursday, September 5, 2019

The letter and the earring

"Darabisoz, Vuuldiir (Vatermont) 1000AC

My dear Peregriadoc,

A blue bird told me you intend to finally explore your potential. Great!

The same bird told me you plan to go directly into adventuring - to no less than Darokin! Not so great.

Please use the earring. Yes, now. Yes, the left ear is fine! Read on after you've done so.

Do you feel it? Good. Now you have a slight chance to survive a journey from Home to Specularum.

It gets especially nasty when it comes to the werebeings and other undead. The Grand Duchy of Karameikos can be deceiving, so civilized and wild at the same time, like the two sides of the same coin.

There is another caravan departing to Specularum in 8 days. Wait for that one. Do not go to Darokin - not yet, at least.

Talk to Lina Thinbrow as soon as possible and ask to join the caravan. She will say "yes".

Get the dagger that is hung above the mantlepiece.

Do not forget to bring some rope. Every rookie makes that mistake. Guilty!

I'll meet you at the final destination for your caravan.


Uncle Cillidox.

P.S.: Do not take the earring off at any time. Ever."

Darabisoz? Where is that? And what is my uncle doing there?

Vatermont? What is that?

And this earring?? I've never felt like that before! I feel... more!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

With a little help from my uncle

How did I come to think of being an adventurer? Uh... well... to be a storyteller, anyway, like I told you.

The question is: where did I get this wanderlust from?

This could be an easy answer: "from my uncle." But there is so much more to be told! Cillidox is my mother's older brother and takes care of me like his own son - whenever he's around, that is: he teaches Wild Magic (whatever that is) at the Krakatos School of Magecraft (or Karameikan School of Magecraft, if you like). Pretty fancy, eh?

"Krakatos", "Karameikan"? I'll tell you, no rush! Karameikos is our east neighbouring kingdom. The bosses there (and the majority of the population) are hummies, but my uncle is the sort of fella who gets along well with almost everyone.

I remember he once explained to me how the "Acid Rain" spell works, so I'm happy that he's so good at self-control.   :-)   (I invented these cool thingies I call "faceys" to remind myself of the mood of phrases. Neat, eh? And yes, I talk to myself.)

You see how much I ramble with this pen? I started by telling you about my uncle and finished the above with a horrific spell and faceys. Well, that's Peregriadoc for you, haha. I plan to wander through the realms of the Known World as much as I wander with my thoughts and quill.

Uncle Cillidox has been an adventurer for as long as I remember and has been teaching at the School for several years now. He tells me (and mom) that he sees a lot of potential in me and he would not like to see it squandered in a "simple eating-drinking-smoking-playing the flute" life, as he calls it.

That, on top of the amazing stories from both the School and his adventures, made the idea of going adventuring grow on me. Not only that, he seems so secretive at times that it's fascinating!

The wagons are supposed to leave in a couple of days, so I'm stocking, doing some preparation, writing letters to my parents and siblings, then I will be on my way along with a trade caravan that is going to Specularum, Karameikos' capital city.

Let me see: flute, food, appropriate clothing, pipe, pipe-weed, more pipe-weed, food, some more food... uh, of course! Pocket handkerchief and walking stick! Never leave home without those!

When in Specularum, I'll meet my uncle and - based on the letter he sent me - from there I'm guessing he'll take me to the School.

Maybe I'll even have adventure enough during the trip to write a song!

Super thrilled here!   :-D   <===  See? Awesome or what?